Title: Indiana Jones Lost Treasure Played: 1,074 Description: Run through spike, lava and danger filled levels to find the lost treasure of Pharoah in this amazing adventure of Indiana Jones....play | |
Title: Stalingrad 3 Played: 91,710 Description: The third installation to this amazing tower defense game is here! Stalingrad 3!...play | |
Title: Castrol Monkey Played: 163,606 Description: Protect your cars from the sludge, find the four quarts of castrol GTX motor oil and get all of them to the car at the end of the level!...play | |
Title: Deep Lift Played: 70,972 Description: Embark in a deep sea adventure and try repair the damaged station in Deep Lift!...play | |
Title: Pirates vs Ninja Played: 408,897 Description: Who would win in if a pirate fought a ninja? Play the game and see for yourself!...play | |
Title: Advanced Ninja Played: 1,151,079 Description: Put your Advanced Ninja skills to the test and master the use of the grappling hook!...play | |
Title: Space Bounty Played: 666,252 Description: Complete missions to defeat the Dark Alliance! Play Space Bounty!...play | |
Title: Squares and Blades Played: 122,832 Description: Select your hero and battle it out Squares and Blades style!...play | |
Title: Journey to the East Played: 321,634 Description: Embark on a mystical Journey to the East and survive from the dangers that come with it!...play | |
Title: Troll Karl Played: 489,301 Description: Play as a wizard and recolorize the world in this wonderful adventure game, Troll Karl!...play |
Adventure Games
Adventure Games